Wednesday, July 4, 2012

First Day On The Ground In Indy

I arrived on Tuesday afternoon and checked into my room at the Convention Center Hotel. The Texas deputation gathered with friends to visit and enjoyed pre-dinner fellowship together. The deputation then broke up for different dinners.

There was a great buzz about structure, elections, and resolutions.

A number of our group attended the UBE dinner; which was a wonderful event.

I settled in after making the rounds and seeing friends. Went over email and reviewed my committee information for Wednesday's first meeting.

The Texas deputation is eager for the Rev. Jeff Fisher's hearings this afternoon (4:30 Texas Time) on Wednesday. He and Susan are with us and we are introducing him around.

We are all getting our sea legs. Tomorrow will be a big day and I am already looking forward to gathering with our group in the afternoon in order hear about the days events. Many are still traveling to be with us and I ask your prayers for all of us and for our families that are at home and far away.

Rt. Rev. C. Andrew Doyle, D.D.
IX Bishop of Texas
Sent while out of office.

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