Thursday, June 28, 2012

I'm Leaving On A Jet Plane

Well my dear friends in Texas, it is Thursday afternoon, the week before General Convention (General Convention).  I have one more day in the office, I am getting my hair cut, packing, will make two visitations in Galveston on Sunday, clean clothes, and get on a plane for Indianapolis. 

Here is our General Convention Website for the Diocese of Texas:

Today Carol Barnwell and I mapped out upcoming stories and made plans to do a few interviews.

The politics are flying and the email is hot.  Legislation is pouring in. 

I have been appointed to the Committee on Structure. I think this will be very fun indeed! 

So here is my packing list and my to do list:

Technology and chargers
Upload, connect, and sync all General Convention Calendars, Blue Book, and committee reports
Download TV Series for travel and late nights (Game of thrones might be appropriate; actually downloaded Downton Abbey)
Sketch pad for cartoons
Ink pens
Vestments for Sunday Worship
Comfortable shoes
Filled out express mail labels to send back the tons of info I gather at GC

To do list:
Here is how to fold your shirt.
fold clothes correctly
hang with family

Let me connect you with this Ehow site where you can learn how to pack your suitcase correctly:

People I am looking forward to seeing:
HOB (House of Bishop) friends
Visiting Primates
Seminary deans
ECW and Altar Guild leaders

I am very excited. While I will miss my family and being home, this will be a good time to be with other Texans and our TEC (The Episcopal Church) and global Anglican friends.

I will do a daily diary here and hope you will follow as we make our journey through to Indianapolis and General Convention 2012.

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