Friday, November 6, 2009

Prayers for Neighbors in Killeen and at Fort Hood

Prayers from around the Diocese for our friends and loved ones in Killeen.

Janet Gilmore commented on your status: "my prayers are with the survivors, those that will pray with them, and those who have lost men and women who have served in the military and how this will resurrect old grief. may God's healing and abundant presence give moments of peace to bodies, minds and spirits."

Kendall Wallin commented on your status: "Prayers for all victims, family, friends, and surrounding communities. Was hoping to see any expression of compassion from official Episcopal Church FB page by now, though. Maybe, Bishop Andy, you could pass that on."

James Tengatenga commented on your status:

"Amen and amen to all the prayers and support for all at Ft Hood. I add my prayers to all of you who have to minister to them."

Martha Frances commented on your status:

"Been praying for them ever since I heard the first news report."

Ann Marie Holliday commented on your status:

"I am a former member of St. Christopher's and send my prayers to Father Paul and his congregation as well as the many friends I have in Killeen and at Ft. Hood. Please let them know we love them!"

Jerry Lyle commented on your status:

"With Veteran's Day coming shortly, this tragedy will have a new meaning."

Jane posted something on your Wall and wrote:

"To our friends at St. Christopher's - you can not imagine how many people are sending love and prayers your way. May you feel the spirit as you minister to those in need and work through this horrific experience. Jane Mumey (St. Francis, Houston)"

Nancy Denmark commented on your status:

"loving and praying them through it"

Good Shepherd commented on your status:

"We're sending our prayers and love from Good Shepherd, Friendswood."

Jeff posted something on your Wall and wrote:

"Rich & Paul - amazing that we were together at Clericus in Cop Cove, just a few miles away from Ft. Hood, while the tragedy was unfolding. Peace & prayers. Jeff"

Fr. Reid: Give rest, O Christ, to your servants with your saints,

where sorrow and pain are no more,

neither sighing, but life everlasting.

Tamara Clothier commented on your status:

"Gracious Father, be with all those suffering. Give them solace as well as strength today and the days to come. Keep refreshed those who are giving of themselves to those who are hurting and let them not be overwhelmed. In your name I humbly ask. Amen. "

Jason Haddox commented on your status:

"Prayers from New Jersey as well."

Roberta Vallantyne commented on your status:

"Oh Lord, help us be strong. Give us the words to say. Remind us be to like Jesus in all that we do when helping others. Comfort those who are serving the people in this time and surround all the families and friends with your arms."

Lynda Nelson commented on your status:

"Praying for all of those families and friends who are affected by this meaningless tragedy. Our hearts go out to them. May God bless all those who are dedicated to helping them in every way. Let us find it in our hearts to forgive, also."

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