Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Deep Waiting of Advent

"By celebrating through the structure of the Church we actually are given the forms we need to become whole and we are given the formulas to make whole every human experience…Advent begins the Church year. And the first mystery we are asked to engage in is waiting. The Church cycle flows into the natural rhythm of the season and we enter the dormant, waiting time of winter. Nature seems asleep. The season is dark, and all that is becoming is hidden from our sight. The ancient combination of natural phenomenon with religious symbolism is still operational in our feast of Christmas. Nature and mystery join and invite us to recognize our hopeful longing for the return of the sun and the birth of the word made flesh."

Gerturd Mueller Nelson from To Dance With God

Advent is about a deep waiting on the mystery of the incarnation of Jesus Christ.

When I was little my grandmother, "Honey," told me stories about growing up. Today I tell those stories to my children. One of the stories she told me was about how her parents made her wait for Christmas. Her family's tradition was to go to services on Christmas eve, then get her to sleep, decorate, so that she awoke on Christmas day to a transformed home. As a little boy I could not imagine the excruciating pain of waiting for Christmas. My parents did not put up the tree until after the last Sunday in Advent. And I remember the long wait to see the greening of the church. We lit Advent candles in my home and we said special advent prayers together at dinner.

There are many pressures on us that cause us to secularize our lives. Empty nesters no longer have children of fight over blowing out the candles and soon the advent season is missed all together. Widows and widowers in patterns of regularity feel awkward about saying prayers or lighting an advent wreath alone. Schedules for families with children in sports and activities, complicated by homework, and subtly worn away by the fact that Christmas decorations were up before Halloween mix together to create a sense that we must hurry to Christmas, no stopping or waiting allowed. To be sure the world naturally pulls at us, and pulls us away from traditions.

Yet how much comfort might a quiet house discover in the warmth of candles lit between two people? What light and joy can be brought to prayers offered before a meal alone, with the opportunity to discover in the quiet waiting that God is present? If after school busy-ness gave way to a meal with children taking turn reading and praying and lighting candles, what better way to center a family who is seeking centering in God?

I encourage you to join me and my family this Advent in a holy and deep waiting. Let us each night do what Episcopalians and Anglicans all over the world are doing, waiting, pondering, wondering. Gather with family, with friends, alone, or with strangers in ways that offer the discovery and embrace of our Lord's mysterious birth.

For it is in our waiting, together, that we discover that Jesus is born for us. It is also in the waiting that we discover we are born for one another and as a gift for one another.

Some resources:

Read Advent Story: Laura Jean Hopes For Christmas here:


Lists of everything Advent:


Advent wreath making



Advent Calendar making




Online Advent Blogs - Promising





Advent Books

Advent And Christmas Wisdom From Henri J.m. Nouwen: Daily Scripture And Prayers Together With Nouwen's Own Words (Paperback)

Watch For The Light: Readings For Advent And Christmas (Paperback)

Advent Podcasts


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