Friday, March 21, 2014

HOB Daily Account for March 21


Office of Public Affairs



Episcopal Church House of Bishops Spring 2014 retreat meeting:

Daily Account for Friday, March 21


The House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church is meeting in retreat at the Camp Allen Conference & Retreat Center in Navasota, TX (Diocese of Texas) from March 21 to March 26.  The following is an account of the activities for Friday, March 21.


The theme for the fall meeting of the Episcopal Church House of Bishops is How Shall We Sing The Lord's Song in a Strange Land?


The day began with Morning Prayer, followed by a retreat time. A reflection was offered by Bishop Lloyd Allen, Diocese of Honduras using Exodus 14 to frame his work as bishop for reimagining the church in his diocese.


The emcee for the day was Bishop Dean Wolfe, Diocese of Kansas .The afternoon started with announcements and the opportunity for bishops to have conversations at their tables.


Visitors to HOB include Bishop Raul Tobias of Iglesia Filipina Independent; Bishop Jonathan Hart of Liberia; Bishop James Tentgatenga of Southern Malawi.

The Rev. Brian Taylor of  Rio Grande and Joan Geiszler-Ludlum of East Carolina presented the work to date of the Task Force on the Study of Marriage. The bishops dedicated time to talking about the proposals from the Task Force, and provided input to the wider conversation of the church.


Bishop Andy Doyle of Texas, Bishop Mary Gray-Reeves of El Camino Real, Bishop Sean Rowe of Northwestern Pennsylvania/Bethlehem and Bishop Michael Curry of North Carolina presented the work to date of the Task Force for Reimagining The Episcopal Church (TREC). The bishops reviewed suggestions and presented their thoughts following discussion at their tables.


The day concluded with Eucharist. Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori presided and preached.


Following dinner the bishops would gather for a private discussion session.


Media Briefers for Friday, March 21:


Bishop Gladstone (Skip) Adams, Diocese of Central New York

Bishop James Waggoner, Diocese of Spokane



Follow on twitter: #hobspring14


For more info contact:

Neva Rae Fox

Public Affairs Officer

The Episcopal Church

212-716-6080  Mobile: 917-478-5659


On the web:

Episcopal Church House of Bishops Spring 2014 retreat meeting:  Daily Account for Friday, March 21

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