Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Well, We've Been Busy

Dear All,

My work on the Committee on Structure has kept me pretty busy. I apologize to my readers and thank you for the reminder to do a journal entry.

Yesterday afternoon I did do several video pieces that you can see on the Diocese of Texas web site. And, a reminder that you can get up to date information on what is happening through a variety of media by going to: http://www.epicenter.org/gc2012 The twitter feed is an excellent way to keep up.

A couple of items to report.

First is the wonderful work that Mary MacGregor did with the ECW Triennial meeting. She coached and guided them through a rethinking of their life and ministry. I, and I think we, can be very excited and proud to have leadership like Mary's affecting the ministry of the church. We have a strong presence here in Indianapolis at ECW, Altar Guild, and Daughters of the King.

In the House of Bishops: Yesterday we elected the House of Bishops representatives to the discernment committee for the Presiding Bishop.

In the House of Bishops: We sent over to the House of Deputies a resolution to leave dollars on the ground level of ministry by decreasing the percentage of giving to the Episcopal Church from 19 to 15. The resolution also allows for people a process to deal with the fact that not all diocese give their full asking.

Today we passed a resolution encouraging everyone to read the bible in a year. You can find a great program here: http://thecenterforbiblicalstudies.org/bible-challenge-invitation/

I will write a separate blog entry on yesterday's action by the House of Bishops on Same Gender Blessings and another on the allegations regarding the 9 bishops.

Rt. Rev. C. Andrew Doyle, D.D.
IX Bishop of Texas
Sent while out of office.

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