Friday, July 6, 2012

Day Three on the Ground in Indianapolis

Yesterday was a heavy day of legislation. There are many Diocese of Texas folks involved in our work here in Indianapolis. We see Texans in the Altar Guild, ECW, in the support ministries of the House of Deputies secretariat, and in the exhibit hall. We are representing well my friends!

I think it is difficult to convey fully how honored we are to serve as your deputies, bishops, and leadership. Thank you.

Yesterday was a full day of meetings. I began my work (like many deputies) at 6:30 a.m. and finished, arriving at dinner around 11 p.m. It was a good day, and while we are just now wading and tiptoeing into legislation a lot of work was done yesterday. This work was the building of coalitions, meeting and making new friends.

My committee held a hearing last night. I am on Committee #6: Structure. We heard a resounding call for change and new and creative means for doing ministry. Here are some of the words I heard repeatedly: change, vision, creativity, nimble, local, listen to the people, hope, energy, excitement, strength, wisdom, young, mission, evangelism, Kingdom of God, adaptive challenge, revision, renew, grassroots, support, resource, new, life, and dream.

We have begun to welcome here in Indianapolis global visitors and Convention is a wonderful sea of language and color.

l believe that we will soon begin to see that legislation will come to the floor and good debate will begin.

Rt. Rev. C. Andrew Doyle, D.D.
IX Bishop of Texas
Sent while out of office.

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