Tuesday, December 6, 2011

News from the edge: Evangelism Story #3

The third story to share about evangelism from the street is my own encounter.

This morning I had coffee with a priest at one of my favorite hang outs: Brasil Cafe.

We were leaving and I was getting my typical French Roast Roadie when I noticed a young man in line kept looking at us.  We made eye contact and introduced ourselves. He wanted to know what church we belonged to and so we told him that we were from the Episcopal Church.  I told him I was a bishop and my friend a priest.  He said, "Do you get to wear purple and all that gold bling because you are a bishop." I told him that indeed was correct. We laughed. Then he said the other day he was speaking with a friend and they were discussing the most welcoming churches and they decided that the Episcopal Church was the friendliest. He grew up Methodist but self-described himself as nothing right now.  We listened and talked and I gave him one of my Moo cards with the church finder address on it. I also told him about two congregations near by that are very welcoming.  It was a great exchange and he was very nice.

So if you have a person visit your church and they tell you "your bishop sent me." Truth is...I probably did.

If you want to hear more about evangelism you can listen to a series here:  Bishop of Texas Podcast Page

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