Wednesday, November 30, 2011

News from the edge: Evangelism Story #1

As many of you know we recently held an Evangelism Conference in November.  I want to share with you several stories from the front lines of Evangelism - where people are bridging the gap between church and world.

The first story comes from Beaumont, Texas. 

Here is the message from the edge:

"I'm so excited.  I took the church into the world today.  I invited some people to join me for Morning Prayer at a local bakery/coffee shop.  Three others showed up.  I had printed off the service for everyone.  During the time for intercessory prayer I invited them to offer up their prayers and it was sweet time of healing conversation.  I plan to do this every Tuesday during Advent and then decide about continuing.  I invited others and several were interested but couldn't make today.  There was another LARGE group in the bakery sitting right next to us from Capital One Bank.  I had my back to the rest of the bakery, but I hope that perhaps some others noticed us.  Just wanted to share my excitement with someone who would care!"

This is awesome work.  You know we do this work in the hopes of being out in the world. Engaging with ourselves and others.  We don't do it to "catch" people like in other forms of evangelism. We do this as part of our work of sharing.  Congratulations Beaumont, Texas for taking the church into the world.

You can listen to the Evangelism Talks here: Bishop of Texas Podcast Page

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