Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Last HOB Daily Account for Tuesday, September 20

The Episcopal Church

Office of Public Affairs



Episcopal Church House of Bishops Fall 2011 meeting:

Daily Account for Tuesday, September 20



The House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church is meeting in Province IX in Quito, Ecuador (Diocese of Ecuador Central) from September 15 to September 20.  The following is an account of the activities for Tuesday, September 20.


The September 20 session began with Morning Prayer.  Bishop Carol Gallagher of Diocese of North Dakota read the Gospel in Cherokee.


Emcee for the day was Bishop Sean Rowe, Diocese of Northwestern Pennsylvania.


In the morning session, Bishop Stacy Sauls, Chief Operating Officer of the Episcopal Church, gave a presentation about structure of the Episcopal Church, "Becoming A Domestic And Foreign Missionary Society: An Adaptive Moment." The presentation sparked much conversation among the HOB.


In the afternoon:

- Bishop Jim Curry of Connecticut reported on the activities of Bishops Working for a Just World.

- Archbishop Albert Chama, Primate of Central Africa, offered his reflections and thanks to the HOB


Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori chaired the business session, during which:


- HOB had a moment of silence for Bishop Robert Anderson and Bishop Walter Righter, who died since the last HOB meeting.


- Bishop Luis Ruiz of Ecuador Central addressed the HOB about the current conflict in the diocese. He said that he and the diocesan leadership have been working with the Presiding Bishop and Bishop Clay Matthews. He announced his intention to resign and expressed his thanks for the solidarity he received from the HOB. Also the diocesan leadership will resign from their respective positions. Bishop Victor Scantlebury was named by the Presiding Bishop as interim bishop for the Diocese of Ecuador Central.


- HOB elected Bishop Lloyd Allen of Honduras, Bishop Andy Doyle of Texas and Bishop Dean Wolfe of Kansas to the board of the College for Bishops for three year terms.


- Accepted Bishop Santosh Marray as a Collegial Member of HOB. Formerly the Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of the Seychellles, he currently serves in the Diocese of East Carolina.


- Approved and accepted A Pastoral Teaching from the House of Bishops on the topic of the environment, presented by the Theology Committee.


The Fall HOB meeting ended with Eucharist, celebrated by Bishop Stacy Sauls. Preacher was HOB chaplain the Rev. Stephanie Spellers, Diocese of Massachusetts.


Media Briefers for Tuesday, September 20

Bishop Brian Prior, Diocese of Minnesota

Bishop Lawrence Provenzano, Diocese of Long Island



The Episcopal Church:


Diocese of Connecticut

Diocese of East Carolina

Diocese of Honduras

Diocese of Long Island

Diocese of Kansas

Diocese of Massachusetts:

Diocese of Minnesota

Diocese of North Dakota

Diocese of Northwestern Pennsylvania

Diocese of Texas


Anglican Diocese of Seychelles


Province of Central Africa



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For more info contact:

Neva Rae Fox

Public Affairs Officer

The Episcopal Church

212-716-6080  Mobile: 917-478-5659




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