Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Account for Monday, September 19

The Episcopal Church

Office of Public Affairs



Episcopal Church House of Bishops Fall 2011 meeting:

Daily Account for Monday, September 19


The House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church is meeting in Province IX in Quito, Ecuador (Diocese of Ecuador Central) from September 15 to September 20.  The following is an account of the activities for Monday, September 19.


The Episcopal Church House of Bishops began Monday, September 19 with Morning Prayer and Bible Study. The Bible study focused on the Mission of the Church through the lens of Matthew 5:21-26. At the conclusion of the Bible study, HOB chaplain the Rev. Stephanie Spellers of the Diocese of Massachusetts asked the bishops to reflect on their call to be reconcilers asking, "What is the breach you feel most compelled to repair?"


Emcee for the day was Bishop Paul Lambert of Dallas. Bishop Clay Matthews reintroduced the theme "Proclaiming the Gospel: Caring for the Least as Bishops in the 21st Century."


The morning was devoted to a panel discussion on Migration, Poverty, Indebtedness, and the Environment in Ecuador. Panelists were Franklin Canelos, economist and university professor; the Rev. Nilton Giese, General Secretary of Consejo Latinoamericano de Iglesias (Latin-American Council of Churches); Esperanza Martinez, sociologist, biologist and researcher with Oil Watch; and Ana White, Immigration and Refugee Policy Analyst at the Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations.  Each presented data which detailed the many points and aspects of the topic; presentations were in English and Spanish.


In the afternoon session, Bishop Don Johnson of West Tennessee moderated the open discussion with the morning's panel members and HOB members.


Province IX of the Episcopal Church is comprised of the Dioceses of Colombia, Ecuador Central, Ecuador Litoral, Honduras, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, and Venezuela.


Eucharist was celebrated at noon by Bishop Diane Jardine Bruce, Diocese of Los Angeles, in three languages: English, Mandarin and Spanish. HOB chaplain the Rev. Simon Bautista, Diocese of Washington, was the preacher.



Media Briefers for Monday, September 19

Bishop Mary Glasspool, Diocese of Los Angeles

Bishop Steven Miller, Diocese of Milwaukee



Diocese of Dallas

Diocese of Los Angeles

Diocese of Massachusetts

Diocese of Milwaukee

Diocese of Washington

Diocese of West Tennessee

Episcopal Church Office of Government Relations:

Province IX


Consejo Latinoamericano de Iglesias:

Oil Watch

The Episcopal Church:


On the web:

Episcopal Church House of Bishops Fall 2011 meeting: Daily Account for Monday, September 19


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For more info contact:

Neva Rae Fox

Public Affairs Officer

The Episcopal Church

212-716-6080  Mobile: 917-478-5659





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