Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Account for Friday, September 16

The Episcopal Church

Office of Public Affairs



Episcopal Church House of Bishops Fall 2011 meeting:

Daily Account for Friday, September 16



The House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church is meeting in Province IX in Quito, Ecuador (Diocese of Ecuador Central) from September 15 to September 20.  The following is an account of the activities for Friday, September 16.


The House of Bishops opened its session on Friday with Morning Prayer, with parts in English, Spanish and French.


Emcee for the day was Bishop Julio HolguĂ­n, Diocese of Dominican Republic.


The morning discussion focused on Scriptural and Theological Foundation for Liberation Theology, presented in Spanish by Silvia Regina, Director of Departamento Ecumenico de Investigaciones (Department of Ecumenical Research).


At noon, Holy Eucharist was celebrated by Bishop Alfredo Morante, Diocese of Ecuador Litoral.  Preachers were the HOB chaplains, the Rev. Simone Bautista, Diocese of Washington, and the Rev. Stephanie Spellers, Diocese of Massachusetts.


Bishop David Alvarez, Diocese of Puerto Rico, moderated the afternoon session on "Prophetic Proclamation and Liberation Theology" with Don Compier, professor at St. Paul School of Theology, Kansas City, MO;  the Rt. Rev. Naudal Gomes, Bishop of Curitiba, Brazil; and Professor Silvia Regina, the morning speaker.  All three speakers spoke of how the principles of liberation theology, which is God's good news for the poor, can speak to our various church contexts.  "There is only God and the poor," said Prof. Regina, highlighting the importance of this theological understanding for authentic biblical witness today.


Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori addressed the conflict in the Diocese of Ecuador Central.  The conflict is "public and it is painful," she said.   "Our presence here is a remarkable statement to the people of this diocese," she said, adding that conversations continue.


Bishop Martin Fields of Western Missouri provided an update on the tornados and the devastation to Joplin and the damage to other areas. Joplin, he said, will not return as it was, with estimates of 10 years needed for that area. He noted that among the items needed for the area are Christmas decorations.



Media Briefers for Friday, September 16

Bishop Eugene Sutton, Diocese of Maryland 

Bishop Michael Vono, Diocese of Rio Grande

Bishop James Waggoner, Diocese of Spokane




The Episcopal Church:

Diocese of Curitiba, Brazil

Diocese of Dominican Republic

Diocese of Maryland

Diocese of Massachusetts:

Diocese of Puerto Rico

Diocese of Rio Grande

Diocese of Spokane

Diocese of Washington

Diocese of West Missouri

St. Paul School of Theology


On the web: Episcopal Church House of Bishops Fall 2011 meeting:

Daily Account for Friday, September 16


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For more info contact:

Neva Rae Fox

Public Affairs Officer

The Episcopal Church

212-716-6080  Mobile: 917-478-5659






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