Saturday, April 23, 2011

Twitter Easter Morning

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A Twitter 
Easter Morning
Matthew 28:1-10

@Marymag  DMaryjamesmom u up? Almost morning here.

@Maryjamesmom 4WIW just waking up

@Marymag lets go 2 tomb F2F

@Maryjamesmom nah…we already did the spice thing in chapter 26.6ff

@Marymag just wanna go :'-( ASAP

@Maryjamesmom OIC, meet u there

@Marymag where are you? Here at Jesus’ tomb W4U

@Maryjamesmom coming… got a stone in my sandal BRT

@marymag Dpetertherock & Djamesfisherman ATM w/@maryjamesmom at Jesus tomb

@Marymag whats that?

@Maryjamesmom earthquake!

@Marymag cool angel

@Maryjamesmom how did he move that stone

@Marymag earthquake!

@Maryjamesmom awesome. Angel sitting on stone

@Marymag he is a young angel :-)

@Maryjamesmom looks like lightening

@Marymag his clothes r white as snow

@tombguard1 scary angel landed on stone, scared me ½ to death

@tombguard2 crazy lightening! Dude! Ahhhh! scary angel man!

@tombguard1 feeling shaky, sleepy ZZZZZ

@tombguard2 soooo sleepy ZZZZZ

@tombguard3 wat?!? Who rolled away stone? ZZZZZZZZ

@Maryjamesmom cool @Godangel put guards to sleep W2G

@Marymag look a 0:-) 

@Godangel no worries @marymag and @maryjamesmom

@marymag u scary @godangel

@Godangel don’t be afraid

@Godangel @@  looking for Jesus who was crucified?

@marymag yep

@Godangel BION check out empty tomb

@maryjamesmom  its empty :D

@Godangel told u, now u tell @Petertherock @Jamesfisherman @Johnfisherman and all @8disciples

@Godangel pls ff@hipjesus (cooljesus, jesus, and realjesus were already taken) 2 GPS coordinates 32°50′N 35°35′E

@Godangel he is raised, and is meeting you F2F in Galilee

@Godangel u will see @hipjesus there, TTFN

@marymag lets get out of here!

@maryjamesmom I want out of this tomb now

@marymag quickly

@marymag little scared

@maryjamesmom me too -- but excited

@marymag I am excited too…race you to ur home

@maryjamesmom @jamesfisherman and @johnfisherman will be there

@marymag they will not believe this!

@Godangel BOL

@hipjesus greetings!

@marymag OMG

@maryjamesmom OMG2

@hipjesus don’t be afraid

@hipjesus go tell my F4E @Petertherock @Jamesfisherman @Johnfisherman and all @8disciples

@hipjesus tell em to go to @galilee GPS coordinates 32°50′N 35°35′E

@marymag G2G

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