Thursday, February 10, 2011

Write, Write, Write

I spent most of the last week either in meetings or writing. 

I worked on the legislative script for council. That piece has occupied a great deal of my time. I have to rehearse and think about all those rules of order. 

Once that was done I turned my attention to the pile of notes I call:" The things I want to say."  These are then placed into a long manuscript and I begin working on the Bishop's address.  It is an interesting process. I move quickly from the pile of everything I want to say into the editing mode trying to get the document into what I might describe as everything "I have time to say."  That is complicated by a third rule of writing for a speach which is writing a manuscript that has everything in it "you all are willing to listen to me say."  Ahhhh, there is the rub.

Well we are in the home stretch. A few more edits left and we can put it to bed. 

By tomorrow I will have brought the text down to size and be reasonably comfortable with it.  Then I can focus my attention on the scriptures for Sunday. The research is done, the rest is sitting there ready to be put together. 

I am praying for council and for all those traveling.  I hope those of you who do not have the blessed opportunity to be with us will keep us in your prayers.


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