Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Clergy Conference

After Tuesday's downpour of much needed rain, today's sunshine is glorious. Beautiful day at Camp Allen with clergy from throughout the diocese gathered until Wednesday for annual Clergy Conference. We invited clergy from the Diocese of Ft. Worth to join us and are delighted that several were able to join us. It is a blessing to host these folks and share our many resources with them and encourage them in their ministry.  After a presentation on the new vision and priorities of the diocese, our clergy gathered in small groups to add their input to make sure we get it right. We had a great hymn sing last evening and then a concert by jazz singer Kat Edmonson, daughter of our own Sue Edmonson, who works at the diocesan center in Houston. She is incredible! 

We are blessed with some of the finest clergy in The Episcopal Church today and we hope this conference nourishes and refreshes them.  Here are a few pictures from Tuesday.

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