Thursday, September 10, 2009

Current Prayer Current Reading

I am enjoying my return to routine in the office this fall.

My daily prayer life seems to be returning to normal: morning prayer, special intercessions for family, friends, coworkers, clergy and their families and parishioners. I follow the daily lectionary and have been posting on twitter reflective passages coming out of that reading. I follow the ordo of the Society of St. John the Evangelist, which is the calendar for the psalms, feasts, and fasts.

I am also reading as part of my meditations in the morning the Archbishop's (ABC) meditations from Lambeth called: God's Mission and a Bishop's Discipleship. I have already read this short wee bookie once, but it is really good so I am at it again.

I am working on Luke's Gospel for a new Hitchhiker's Guide to be out this fall. I also picked up N. T. Wright's new book Justification. That is really good. He really stirs the pot in this one.

On the fun side I just finished The Big Rich and am working on The First American, This is England, Biography of Bishop Greg, and Here Comes Everybody (second read).

What are you reading?

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