Wednesday, May 7, 2008

On Our Way To Austin

Good Afternoon. JoAnne and I are packed and we are now on our way to Austin for the first walkabout. JoAnne is driving and I am answering email by satellite.

Caisa and Zoe are off to spend a couple of days with Nanny and Pawpaw.

We are excited about tonight and the opportunity to begin a diocesan conversation about the future of our church.

I guess I could be nervous. But I love getting to see and visit with my friends across the Diocese of Texas.

I have spent the last five years helping and supporting Bishop Wimberly in setting his vision. Tonight I get to build on that vision by listening and sharing with you our possible future, our vision of the church: vibrant, thriving, growing, energetic, filled with life, celebrating, joyful, fun, and transformational.

On another note, we were so excited about getting to Austin we almost ran out of gas, with only half a gallon left. We rolled in to Columbus on fumes...

Quote of the day: "Remember tonight the Holy Spirit is ready to dance, and wait'n for a partner."

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